Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Disclaimer for June

I have said before, and plainly, that slavery is an abomination and should never be tolerated, no matter where it be found. I would never desire nor propose, neither directly nor obtusely, a return of that vile institution. My goal here has always been to educate, to dispel misconceptions fostered and nurtured since the time of the Reconstruction, to renounce the false teachings we have been burdened with since elementary school, and to present the heritage of my home in a truer light. The belligerence propagated against the South was not initiated to free slaves. Mr. Lincoln made it a war goal, certainly, but not until the war had been underway for a year and a half. I believe it may be easy to become side-tracked into thinking I am arguing for slavery here, and I want to avoid such side-tracking. I am very passionate about this topic, and that passion may lead to misconceptions concerning my intent. I am a son of the South, born and bred. I greatly desire to return to my heritage the pride which is its due. Yet, before I may do that I must demonstrate that the United States did not enter the war for the purpose of freeing slaves, and, by extension, that the Confederacy was not fighting to keep slaves. The war was not about slavery.

Due to the volatility of my topic each month I will make disclaimers such as this, to insure that my purpose and goal are never misconstrued. I will do this each month so that the disclaimer does not get lost in the archive. I ask for your  kind indulgence in this. Thank you.

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